If you need to cancel, please contact us by 8:00 PM the day before your scheduled service, or you will be charged a 50% cancellation fee. This policy allows us to provide services to other customers on our standby list or those requiring emergency services.
If we do not receive notification and we show up at your home, you will be charged a full 100% cancellation fee.
You must advise us of any behavioral problems, traits or vices your dog may have before we take charge of him or her.
All dogs will remain leashed unless prior agreement and written permission has been provided by you.
The minimum duration for a walk is 30 minutes. However, we reserve the right to use our personal judgment and shorten a walk if it is in the best interest of your dog, e.g. weather conditions, injury, mobility issues, age of dog, etc.
Your dog is welcome to bring his or her favorite ball or toy on walks but we cannot take any responsibility for loss of or damage to these items.
You should notify your neighbors that we will be visiting your property in your absence.
We recommend that your dog is up to date with heartworm, flea and tick treatments and rabies vaccinations.